
Hydrolats otherwise known as hydrosols, are the water that is collected during the distillation process of plants, their flowers or leaves. After the distillation hydrolats contain tiny amounts of essential oil and other valuable resoluble materials. However, in contrary to essential oils hydrolats do not contain fat-soluble terpene, nor tannins or bitter substances. This means hydrolats consist of well tolerated antiseptic substances protecting from inflammation. Hydrolats are powerful therapeutic agents in their own right.

Very often hydrolats smell similarly to essential oils, but the aroma is not so strong. Hydrolats standalone affect much softer, their impact demands more time than using essential oils, but they are natural, organic, safe and effective, well applicable in house conditions - fit for babies, children, sensitive, fragile or elder people.

Hydrolats are extremely useful for skin or hair care. Certain hydrolats make great skin tonics, air fresheners, bath additives, and perfume bases as well as being ideal for adding to light creams, face masks, lotions and gels. Some of hydrolats could be applied in culinary, also for making tasty and healthy drinks. Cream or oil become easier absorbed to a skin and more effective while moistened by a hydrolat.

Essential oils are insoluble in water and if applied without special solvent (honey, milk, solubol) make a skim on the water's surface that might cause a skin irritation to sensitive people. Hydrolats in contrary fully dissolve in water and do not irritate the skin. The famous antique baths were prepared with rose water (hydrolat).

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